Introductory 5 hour starter pack - 2 seat
This experience can be tailored to suit you, full time over a couple of days or part time as required. This consists of 5 hours of flying time in one of our Cessna 150 aircraft, 5 home landing fees, all pre-flight briefings and post flight de-briefings, book 1 PPL Training, pilot's log book, aircraft checklist, and pilot's knee board.
On your first visit you will be introduced to your flying instructor, you will be given all of your equipment and a short informal briefing on the route to be flown followed by a walk round inspection of the aircraft.
Once aboard the aircraft you will be shown all of the flying controls before starting the engine. Engine running YOU will taxi the aircraft, under close supervision of your instructor , to the runway ready to take to the skies. Once airborne, the instructor will hand complete control of the aircraft over to YOU! With a little encouragement you will then do the flying! After some more briefings you will progress through the PPL (Private Pilot's Licence) training syllabus including all basic manoeuvres and using the radio to communicate with air traffic control.
This training will all go in your pilot's log book and can counts towards your Pilot's Licence or just for fun! This flight is for one person.
You are welcome to bring your family and friends along who can watch you depart from our licenced lounge bar. Hopefully they will buy you a drink when you get back!